We are pleased to offer the Empire State Postal History Society columns which appeared in the The Stamp Insider from 2013 to 2018. Many thanks to Glenn Estus for providing the PDFs of each article.
As of January 2019, The Stamp Insider is no longer being published. Before his passing in 2020, Al Starkweather graciously agreed to keep the website active so that visitors can read past issues HERE.
19th Century Health Care—Quack Quack?, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2018-01
A Ghostly Rarity, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2017-11
Who Was Nero Grant?, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2017-09
How East Hamburgh Became Orchard Park, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2017-07
Fishers Landing Postmaster Postmark, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2017-05
A Small Story About Riseleys, By Maris Tirums, SI 2017-03
Temperance and Prohibition Movements, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2017-01
Society Launches New & Improved Website, By Charles J. DiComo, SI 2016-11a
Society Launches New & Improved Website, Part II, By Charles J. DiComo, SI 2016-11b
A Disappearing Post Office, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2016-09
Mail Order Opium, By Maris Tirums, SI 2016-07
Missing in Action, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2016-05
Elusive New York Postmarks Sought for Book, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2016-03a
The 4-Bar Handcancel Challenge, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2016-03b
James D. LeRay de Chaumont, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2016-01
Instant Messaging in Only a Month, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2015-11
Old Buffalo City Hall Covers Appealing, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2015-09
Millard Fillmore, Comptroller, By Maris Tirums, SI 2015-07
Return to Sender, By Robert Bramwell, SI 2015-05
Rediscovering a Forgotten Cover, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2015-03
Fast Mail in the Nineteenth Century, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2015-01
Look Inside FLS for Hidden Treasure, By David E. Williams, SI 2014-11
Adding Up the Pluses, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2014-09
A Cover With Registered Mail Stamp, By Maris Tirums, SI 2014-07
Pink Pills For Pale People, By Bob Bramwell, SI 2014-05
McKinley’s Summer White House, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2014-03
Letters to a Stenographer, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2014-01
Auxiliary Markings Galore, By David Williams, SI 2013-11
Collecting Postmaster/County Cancels, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2013-09
A Pre-Civil War Knoxville to Knoxville Cover, By Alan Parsons, SI 2013-07
Possible Pilferage or an Innocent Mistake?, By Maris Tirums, SI 2013-05
Advertising Covers Show Area’s Growth, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2013-03
Poster Stamps Promoted Drama Festival, By Bob Bramwell, SI 2013-01
Interests Unite Through Dealer’s Box, By David E. Williams, SI 2012-11
The Story of a Cover, By George McGowan, SI 2012-09
Moving the Mail by Highway, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2012-07
NRA Propaganda on Business Mail, By Maris Tirums, SI 2012-05
Wanakena Survived the Lumber Boom, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2012-03
An Early Global Marketing Firm’s Tribulations, By Bob Bramwell, SI 2012-01
Chasing Pan-American Exposition Cancels, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2011-11
Are You Interested in History?, By David Przepiora, SI 2011-09
Collecting New York Flag Cancels, By George McGowan, SI 2011-07
Seeing Stars, By David E. Williams, SI 2011-05
Hudson River Mail Poses a Challenge, By Maris Tirums, SI 2011-03
A Long-Delayed Postmark for Long Beach, By Frank Braithwaite, SI 2011-01
Fairfield and the Academy, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2010-11
A Hudson River Mail Cover, By George McGowan, SI 2010-09
Subdivided Out of Existence, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2010-07
Missent and Forwarded, By Frank Braithwaite, SI 2010-05
Where Did the Little Postman Come From?, By Maris Tirums, SI 2010-03
Peeling Back The History of a Cover, By Albert W. Starkweather, SI 2010-01
Missent Mail Forced Name Change, By Gerald F. Wiley, SI 2009-11
New Yorker Palmer & Clark, SI 2009-09
Only the Name is the Same, By Frank Braithwaite, SI 2009-07
Ebenezer Post Office had Strong German Ties, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2009-05
Addressee Adds Interest, By Maris Tirums, SI 2009-03
An 1894 Train Wreck on Lake Champlain, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2009-01
Colton’s Namesake Was a Mover, Gerald F. Wiley, SI 2008-11
The Lure of Slogan Cancellations, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2008-09
General Delivery, By George McGowan, SI 2008-07
ESPHS Rejects Stamp Insider Funding, By John Nunes, SI 2008-05
No Joke-A real Message in a Bottle, By Frank Braithwaite, SI 2008-03
Small Towns Provide Many Interesting Items, By glenn A. Estus, SI 2008-01
A Confluence of Philately and History, By George DeKornfeld, SI 2007-11
Woodstock Special Event Cancel, By Maris Tirums, SI 2007-09
The Mysterious Form 29, By Drew A. Nicholson, SI 2007-07
RMS Operated Fulton Chain Mail Boat, By Gerald F. Wiley, SI 2007-05
Talking Postal History, By Frank Braithwaite, SI 2007-03
Once a Village-Now a Station, By Maris Tirums, SI 2007-01
Postmaster and County Cancels, By Glenn Estus, SI 2006-11
A Puzzling Letter from Long Ago, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2006-09
A New Meaning for Holiday Spray, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2005-11
Registered Mail Postmarks, By Maris Tirums, SI 2005-09
Pine Camp Military Reservation, By Gerald F. Wiley, SI 2005-07
Label Offers the “Strait” Truth, By Joseph T. Rowbottom III, SI 2005-05
An Underpaid Cover to India, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2005-03
When Was a Penny Postcard Not a Penny?, By Maris Tirums, SI 2005-01
The Richard-Pulaski Post Office Transition, By Nicholas Todaro, SI 2004-11
Fall Meeting Schedule; ESPHS Wins ROPEX Competition; Webmaster Praised, By Alan Parson, SI 2004-09
President’s Message; Excellent Financial Health; Promotion Opportunities, SI 2004-07
The Collecting Gene; A Letter from Fairhaven, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2004-05a
The Collecting Gene-continued, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2004-05b
A Madison Entrepreneur, By Joseph Rowbottom, SI 2004-01
Ulster County DPO, By Maris Tirums, SI 2004-03
When I’m the President, By Nick Todaro, SI 2003-11
A Ghostly Rarity, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2017-11
Who Was Nero Grant?, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2017-09
How East Hamburgh Became Orchard Park, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2017-07
Fishers Landing Postmaster Postmark, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2017-05
A Small Story About Riseleys, By Maris Tirums, SI 2017-03
Temperance and Prohibition Movements, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2017-01
Society Launches New & Improved Website, By Charles J. DiComo, SI 2016-11a
Society Launches New & Improved Website, Part II, By Charles J. DiComo, SI 2016-11b
A Disappearing Post Office, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2016-09
Mail Order Opium, By Maris Tirums, SI 2016-07
Missing in Action, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2016-05
Elusive New York Postmarks Sought for Book, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2016-03a
The 4-Bar Handcancel Challenge, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2016-03b
James D. LeRay de Chaumont, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2016-01
Instant Messaging in Only a Month, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2015-11
Old Buffalo City Hall Covers Appealing, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2015-09
Millard Fillmore, Comptroller, By Maris Tirums, SI 2015-07
Return to Sender, By Robert Bramwell, SI 2015-05
Rediscovering a Forgotten Cover, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2015-03
Fast Mail in the Nineteenth Century, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2015-01
Look Inside FLS for Hidden Treasure, By David E. Williams, SI 2014-11
Adding Up the Pluses, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2014-09
A Cover With Registered Mail Stamp, By Maris Tirums, SI 2014-07
Pink Pills For Pale People, By Bob Bramwell, SI 2014-05
McKinley’s Summer White House, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2014-03
Letters to a Stenographer, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2014-01
Auxiliary Markings Galore, By David Williams, SI 2013-11
Collecting Postmaster/County Cancels, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2013-09
A Pre-Civil War Knoxville to Knoxville Cover, By Alan Parsons, SI 2013-07
Possible Pilferage or an Innocent Mistake?, By Maris Tirums, SI 2013-05
Advertising Covers Show Area’s Growth, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2013-03
Poster Stamps Promoted Drama Festival, By Bob Bramwell, SI 2013-01
Interests Unite Through Dealer’s Box, By David E. Williams, SI 2012-11
The Story of a Cover, By George McGowan, SI 2012-09
Moving the Mail by Highway, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2012-07
NRA Propaganda on Business Mail, By Maris Tirums, SI 2012-05
Wanakena Survived the Lumber Boom, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2012-03
An Early Global Marketing Firm’s Tribulations, By Bob Bramwell, SI 2012-01
Chasing Pan-American Exposition Cancels, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2011-11
Are You Interested in History?, By David Przepiora, SI 2011-09
Collecting New York Flag Cancels, By George McGowan, SI 2011-07
Seeing Stars, By David E. Williams, SI 2011-05
Hudson River Mail Poses a Challenge, By Maris Tirums, SI 2011-03
A Long-Delayed Postmark for Long Beach, By Frank Braithwaite, SI 2011-01
Fairfield and the Academy, By Gerald Wiley, SI 2010-11
A Hudson River Mail Cover, By George McGowan, SI 2010-09
Subdivided Out of Existence, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2010-07
Missent and Forwarded, By Frank Braithwaite, SI 2010-05
Where Did the Little Postman Come From?, By Maris Tirums, SI 2010-03
Peeling Back The History of a Cover, By Albert W. Starkweather, SI 2010-01
Missent Mail Forced Name Change, By Gerald F. Wiley, SI 2009-11
New Yorker Palmer & Clark, SI 2009-09
Only the Name is the Same, By Frank Braithwaite, SI 2009-07
Ebenezer Post Office had Strong German Ties, By Alfred Carroccia, SI 2009-05
Addressee Adds Interest, By Maris Tirums, SI 2009-03
An 1894 Train Wreck on Lake Champlain, By Glenn A. Estus, SI 2009-01
Colton’s Namesake Was a Mover, Gerald F. Wiley, SI 2008-11
The Lure of Slogan Cancellations, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2008-09
General Delivery, By George McGowan, SI 2008-07
ESPHS Rejects Stamp Insider Funding, By John Nunes, SI 2008-05
No Joke-A real Message in a Bottle, By Frank Braithwaite, SI 2008-03
Small Towns Provide Many Interesting Items, By glenn A. Estus, SI 2008-01
A Confluence of Philately and History, By George DeKornfeld, SI 2007-11
Woodstock Special Event Cancel, By Maris Tirums, SI 2007-09
The Mysterious Form 29, By Drew A. Nicholson, SI 2007-07
RMS Operated Fulton Chain Mail Boat, By Gerald F. Wiley, SI 2007-05
Talking Postal History, By Frank Braithwaite, SI 2007-03
Once a Village-Now a Station, By Maris Tirums, SI 2007-01
Postmaster and County Cancels, By Glenn Estus, SI 2006-11
A Puzzling Letter from Long Ago, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2006-09
A New Meaning for Holiday Spray, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2005-11
Registered Mail Postmarks, By Maris Tirums, SI 2005-09
Pine Camp Military Reservation, By Gerald F. Wiley, SI 2005-07
Label Offers the “Strait” Truth, By Joseph T. Rowbottom III, SI 2005-05
An Underpaid Cover to India, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2005-03
When Was a Penny Postcard Not a Penny?, By Maris Tirums, SI 2005-01
The Richard-Pulaski Post Office Transition, By Nicholas Todaro, SI 2004-11
Fall Meeting Schedule; ESPHS Wins ROPEX Competition; Webmaster Praised, By Alan Parson, SI 2004-09
President’s Message; Excellent Financial Health; Promotion Opportunities, SI 2004-07
The Collecting Gene; A Letter from Fairhaven, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2004-05a
The Collecting Gene-continued, By Heather Sweeting, SI 2004-05b
A Madison Entrepreneur, By Joseph Rowbottom, SI 2004-01
Ulster County DPO, By Maris Tirums, SI 2004-03
When I’m the President, By Nick Todaro, SI 2003-11