Annual Membership Information
Remittance for Applications Dated:
• January-June $20.00
($25.00 for non-US residents)
• July-December $30.00
(1.5 year term)
($35.00 for non-US residents)
Life Membership Information
• 65+ years – $200.00
• 51-64 years – $300.00
• 40-50 years – $350.00
• 39 years and under – $400.00
Please click here to download
our Membership application…
Make checks payable to the: Empire State Postal History Society
and mail the completed application form with remittance to our Treasurer:
ESPHS c/o George F. DeKornfeld, DDS. 1014 Clove Road Hobart, NY 13788-2930
We publish the award-winning Excelsior!, a journal of New York State postal history semi-annually. Excelsior! has published hundreds of postal history articles by our members over the years. We encourage members to participate in submitting articles on their collecting interests.
Society members receive the award-winning BULLETIN, published semi-annually with society news, member news, show and awards information, original articles, research requests, etc. The BULLETIN also contains free members ads to buy, sell or trade stamp historical materials.
Meetings are held at least once each year in conjunction with Stamp Shows in the NY State. We also encourage our regional representatives to hold local meetings where possible.
The Society has an excellent awards program. Shows with competitive exhibits open to the public are encouraged to make use of our awards. Attractive, significant awards are made available to show committees on request. They must be won by exhibits of NYS postal history.
The Society also offer various publications at members pricing. We encourage members to publish New York State postal history manuscripts in hard or soft cover format. We do not reimburse authors, but carry all costs and recoup our investment through sales of the book. Wouldn’t you like to see your work in print and nationally distributed?